So you're probably WAY am I going to try some kind of deodorant that is
1. home made
2. organic
because most people just do not want to take that risk, it's not like shampoo, or facewash, this is a big thing we're talking about, I mean nobody really likes to smell bad in public.
But here's the thing, it is just TWO simple ingredients! Doesn't sound too good to be true... but it totally is!
Mix one tablespoon of baking soda, and five of cornstarch, in a little container, and shake!
To apply, use cotton balls, or cotton pads, and gently put it on.
It works like a charm! The reason is because baking soda, (a.k.a Sodium Bicarbonate) is a very good antibacterial agent, I really do not know why, it maybe because it is a base, and reacts with the acidity in your skin? Who knows... I'm not very good at chemistry, but it seems to clean EVERYTHING well: teeth, hair, countertops,toilets, skin, clothes. The cornstarch in the mixture is also an antibacterial agent, except for the baking soda is so strong,( I heard it causes rashes, when concentrated) so the cornstarch balances it out.
xoxo, Mar
(sorry about the bad quality of the picture, but thats the container I put it into)