Sunday, September 11, 2011

Day18:Summer Sundown

“We can never turn back the pages of time, though we may wish to relive a happy moment, or say goodbye just one last time, we never can, because the sands of time continue to fall, and we can’t turn the hourglass over.”

There it is...the last sundown of summer, well at least the last sundown before we head off for school. Another beautiful summer full of beaches, sandy hair, adventure, and sunkissed skin, but here we are, back to routine once again. Don't get too depressed though, here are some new tunes that kept me going throughout these two months, they'll  help you enjoy those last little bits of summer:) Relaxing and happy, these will always calm me or cheer me no matter what mood I'm in:

1.Belle and Sebastian- I want the world to stop
2.  Jack Johnson-Sitting, waiting,wishing
3.Blonde Redhead- 23
4.Bob Sinclair-Love generation
5.Bon Iver-SKinny Love
6. Matt and Kim-Daylight
5. Sweet Thing-Change of Seasons
8.Little Joy- Next Time Around
9.Lykke Li- I follow Rivers
10. Florence+ The Machine -what the water gave me
11. Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeroes- Home
12. The Love Language- Heart to Tell
13. Mumford and Sons -little Lion Man
14. Fleet Foxes-Mykonos
15. Sea Wolf- You're A Wolf
here's another site if your looking for more music, and one to download the music into mp3 form from youtube:

Downloading site:

Monday, September 5, 2011

Day18:WOOhoo No 'Poo

Your probably thinking...wait what? did I read that right? What I mean is no SHAMPOO, yes I have not used shampoo in my hair for two whole months!! And it is not a massiev grease ball full of insects and dirt:) Actually lots of shampoo has many toxic chemicals, that go through the skin and sit in your blood stream for a very long time, it may make your hair look good from time to time, but after a few days your hair starts to look greasy and dirty, and may need a wash with shampoo again! It's like a whole cycle, and that's what the companies want...for you to buy more and more of their shampoo!! Shampoo cleans your hair but it also strips many of the natural oils your body produces and NEEDS, to keep your hair soft, strong, and healthy. When you strip all the oils in your hair, more start to form in your hair, therefore making your hair even greasier, but when you stop stripping the oils, your body can naturally replenish them, and does not produce as much.
If you want to still clean your hair use
1.Baking soda
2. Apple Cider Vinegar

This is the one we use- it's super good!

In a small container I put in a tsp. of baking soda, dilute with water, then massage the paste in my hair in the shower. In another container I add a bit less than a tsp. of the vinegar, dilute with water, and dump it on my hair, and the ends of my hair. The baking soda gets rid of dirt, dandruff, and sebum, and leaves your hair clean, while the vinegar acts like a kind of conditioner, and makes your hair alot softer, and silky like (almost like shampoo).
TRY it out:D here's a site that helped me out a bit:

"Beauty is the Promise of Happiness"

Drink of The day: Vanilla Steamer

-cup milk
-whipped cream
-spoon honey/sugar
-spoon vanilla extract/vanilla bean(taste aloooot better, if you can find it)
-tsp cinnamon
-tsp nutmeg

Heat milk in a pan, and then froth with a wisk, add in sweetner,vanilla, then whipped cream, sprinkle cinnamon, and nutmeg on top!Easy Peasy!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Day17:Rain Shmain!

What to do when it's pouring outside like today:
4.Make an awsome multi-purpose ointment?
Let's skip the first two for now.... but here is a really amazing recipe that you should try out, that'll take you the whole rainy day, but don't worry it works EVERY time-and it's definately worth it!!!
Cina-mmm buns
Before Oven

MMMmm... yummmy goodness

(yeast mixture)-tsp sugar, tbsp active dry yeast, 1/2cup warm water
(dough mixture)-1/4cup white sugar,tsp. salt, 2 eggs, 4 cup flour, 1/2 cup milk, 1/4 cup butter
(filling mixture)- 3/4cup butter, 3/4cup brown sugar, cup chopped pecans/walnuts/raisins, 1/4 cup cinnamon, 1/2 cup brown sugar, 1/4 cup melted butter

1. a small bowl dissolve the sugar and yeast in warm water, and let sit for about 10 minutes
2. Warm milk in saucepan, and mix in the sugar butter, salt, and stir it into the pot.
3. In large bowl combine the yeast mixture, the milk mixture, along with the eggs, and flour, and mix.
4. Put the dough on a floured surface and knead it for about 8 minutes.
5. Lightly oil a big bowl and put the dough in to rise, cover with a damp cloth, for about 1 hour. It will double it's size.
6. (filling Mixture) melt 3/4cup butter in a small saucepan over medium heat, stir in 3/4cup sugar, and pour some into a a greased pan(not all though, or else the cinnamon buns will burn).
7.Combine the remaing 1/2cup sugar,butter, and melt, then add in the cinnamon, and some more nuts.
8. The dough should be ready by now, and roll it onto a floured surface, into a big rectangle.
9. Brush the rest of the butter mixture onto the dough.
10. Starting at the long side, tightly roll up the cinnamon mixture, and brush the outside with any remaing buttery mixture. Cut into 18 peices, and put down into the greased pan with butter mixture in it.
11. Let the cinnamon buns rise again for about 20 minutes, and then put into an oven, preaheated to 375 degrees F, bake for about 30 minutes, until they are golden brown and start to smell!! Good luck!

BeesWax Ointment
Honestly a magic ointment!!! I have used this stuff as after bite for mosquito bites, after a sun burn, skin moisturizer, and hand softener, face cream for night, works as lip balm, healing oil for cuts burns bruises, probably a whole bunch more too!! Live this stuff, and the recipe is so easy you can't mess up:

In a pan heat
-1-2 spoons grated beeswax
-4 spoonfuls of coconut oil
- a bit of honey
- 3 spoons avocado/olive oil
Then pour into a little bowl and mix with peppermint/lavender essential oil, and half a spoon of oats. Add in any other oils you like- jojba oil is good for your skin, and other essential oils work fine too. Pour your concuction into a little spill proof container, and put into the fridge until it's hard and cool:)

"The best thing one can do when it's raining is to let it rain. "

Drink Of the Day: Blueberry Bliss
-cup blueberries
- black currents
- half peach/nectarine
-coconut water
- frozen mangoes