Saturday, August 11, 2012

Tarot love

The most interesting form to gain knowledge is from yourself, really! Decided to try out my psychic intuitions, and trust for inner self this summer, as it has been one of solitude, and a break from outside influences. Although there are many books that teach about tarot the best guide is yourself really, looking at each card and trusting your own energies to intuitively explain the meaning of each one. Even I get nervous when people ask me to do them a reading, and I quickly open my books to look at each meaning and make sure I give them the right messages that life has in store. But doing a tarot reading for myself the other day, I realized( through the cards) that I was not trusting myself enough, and was relying on random books to explain personal situations happening here and doesn't really make sense does it? So relax, learn to quiet your mind so that you can listen to your OWN truth, and figure out situations, people and life through the mysteries of the cards!
Ways to practice:

1.shuffle the cards in your hands while thinking of one specific card, imagining the feeling you get from the card, what it looks like, and how it relates to you. When you feel like you found the card flip it over and see, be sure to flip the ones before and after it as well to see how close you were. Don't be discouraged if it takes a while to learn this trick, nothing happens right away without any work!

2. Keep a tarot notebook, having at least a few pages dedicated to each card, including major AND minor Arcana. Instead of writing the definition for each one write what YOU feel about the card, any dreams you had about it, any readings that came true that had to do with it.

3. Going in order of cards, sleep with each individual card under your pillow each night,(try thinking about the card too before you go to bed so you can dream about it) and in the morning write down any dreams you had, or how they may have been influenced by the card. This may help you understand the card better, in a more intimate way. 

As many have been misinformed, i feel it's important for me to mention that tarot reading is NOT a form of weird voodoo  magic, nor is trying to predict any specific future for anyone. Tarot is only to help increase your intuition, as well as a picture form to understand certain feelings your going through, remind you of situations you may have overlooked, and a way to get a channeling message from bigger forces from above, trying to give you some hints!
Don't be scared of any cards, ( like trying to pick out good cards or bad cards) they are all equal, some may just remind you of any fears, bad feelings, or behavior problems you may be trying to avoid. Any "bad" card can also be interpreted in a good way, just like any learning experience may seem bad at the time, you realize that it may have really helped you in the long run!

Anyways good luck for anyone willing to try it out, and I hope any of the people reading this will go out and pick out their own tarot deck;)